Our Instructors

Dr. Michael Chrane

President of the Academy

“Alphabiotics could very well be the primary health-care system of tomorrow; Today.” Dr. Michael Chrane has led the way in bringing Alphabiotics forward both through his work with individuals, and his teaching at the Alphabiotic Training Academy. For over sixty years he has experienced the power of the Alphabiotic Philosophy, and its implementing process. He continues to help people from all walks of life, with all kinds of health problems. As Senior Professor teaching the Alphabiotic Process, Dr. Michael Chrane continues the ground-breaking work done by his father and grandfather. He reaches out to traditional therapists and laypersons, inviting them to come and learn with him and his teaching staff, what he considers to be an advanced, soul-satisfying, and honorable way to help others.

Jeffrey Moore Williams

Academy Board Member, Academy Executive Director and Alphabiotics Instructor

“The road to high-level wellness lies in connecting with our ultimate energy source. There is no act or service that one human can render to another that is more significant or meaningful than helping them to accomplish this connection.” “When you were born, you had within you a tremendous power. You couldn’t see it but you could feel it. It was and still is a wonderful life energy. It empowers you with health, well being, joy and a zest for life. As you ventured out into the world you experienced many challenges and changes. You allowed stress to drain your precious Life Energy. You got lost in a mist of mind and matter. You became outer reactive and defensively off balance. It became more and more difficult for you to experience the good health, well-being, joy and zest for life that you once had.”.

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